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What I need to know after my session

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What happens after the session?

Although people typically leave a Reiki session feeling refreshed, sometimes they notice feeling more tired in the evening than usual. This is not viewed as an adverse reaction, but rather as the body's natural healing response, something to be heeded.  People commonly report a sense of calm and mental clarity and sleeping well after Reiki. If you decide to go on and have more treatments you will find no two healing treatments are the same. 

It can take a few days for the energies to be assimilated. During this time you may feel revitalized or temporarily a little worse, a good sign that you are releasing the cause of your symptoms. However, sometimes a person will have what is called a "healing crisis" (I prefer the term, Healing reaction).​

The Healing Reaction– A small number of individuals experience what is called a Healing reaction (“Healing crisis”) either on the Reiki table during their session or shortly after their session. It is not uncommon for individuals to suffer from detoxification reactions when they begin a program of natural healing. A healing reaction occurs when the body is expelling toxins into the different systems of the body.  The healing reaction is a normal process that some individuals will often encounter on their path to getting well. The medical term for healing crisis is the “Herxheimer Reaction.”  This occurs when the cells release toxins into circulation but the elimination organs (skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder & GI tract) are not able to eliminate them quickly enough.  The toxins remain in circulation and can effect the brain stem region leading to nausea, poor coordination, headaches, fatigue, malaise, fever, cold or flu-like symptoms, gastrointestinal upset, mental or emotional upset, or a temporary intensification of the symptoms of a chronic condition or illness. A Healing Reaction indicates that the body is detoxifying in preparation for healing.​

In all cases, Reiki is not the cause. The Reiki practitioner/Master is not doing the healing, rather she is channeling life force energy which amplifies or kick-starts the client’s own natural healing abilities. All healing is self healing. ​

A great deal of cleansing takes place during a Reiki session.. For many of us, old injuries, illnesses, emotional wounds, traumatic events, and/or environmental pollutants (i.e. collectively known as “toxins”) have built up on our energy system over time. 


There are ways in which you can help during a healing reaction: 

Tips for dealing with a Healing reaction

  • See this as a sign of progress and healing.

  • Drink more water.

  • Breathe more consciously and deeply.

  • Get more rest and sleep.

  • Enjoy gentle exercise and fresh air.

  • Reduce sugar and alcohol intake.

  • Be positive.

  • Get in touch for further advice if needed.

Rest more. Honour your body. You may feel extremely tired and lethargic. Your body and/or energetic system is healing, which takes energy. Nurture yourself with longer periods of sleep, rest or several naps throughout the day.​

Take a hot bath with Epsom salts; you could even add a few drops of your favourite essential oil/s.​

Double your water intake. Just like with a physical detox or cleanse program, it’s important to stay hydrated with water to encourage your body to flush and expel the toxins. Drinking water with a healthy squeeze of lemon may also help flush out toxins and provide nutrients and antioxidants.​

Be kind to yourself.​The good news is that the uncomfortable feelings and sensations that accompany a healing reaction are normal and are not usually cause for concern, though such symptoms happen infrequently and typically dissipate within a few days.  They are a natural result from the process of bringing, through Reiki, vital life force energy into your system. It’s nature’s way of cleansing the body, mind, emotions, and spirit, to make way for more divine love and light to be grounded into your body.​

Nevertheless, if you do have severe or continuing physical or emotional reactions after your session, then please do not hesitate to contact me. 

There are five common after-effects experienced after a Reiki session. These include:

  • Fluctuating energy levels ranging from extreme fatigue to overwhelming energy

  • Greater awareness of your emotions ( see below Your Emotions  )

  • Physical sensations throughout the body ranging from mild to flu-like symptoms ( not everyone experiences this )

  • Feeling relaxed due to increased parasympathetic nervous system functioning

  • A heightened sense of smell, touch, hearing, and taste.


These after-effects are usually mild and temporary, lasting anywhere from minutes to days.

It is important to remember that these after-effects are an indication that your body is healing.

Your Emotions:

You may also find that your emotions may be a bit up and down, as Reiki can also awaken your emotions. It's important to acknowledge these feelings as they come up. 

 You may feel a wide range of emotions, including:

  • Sadness or profound feelings of grief

  • Anger or frustration

  • Depression and loneliness

  • Intense joy

  • The urge to yell or cry

  • The desire to laugh


These intense emotions may make you feel frustrated and confused because you do not understand their origin. However, these seemingly random emotions do arise from somewhere.

Typically, they can be brought on by traumatic events or repressed memories that create toxins in your body. These toxins imprint on your cellular memory. Eventually, they are stored within your energy system, where they will continue to build up over time.

While enduring these past emotions may feel distressing and pointless, permitting yourself to experience them is crucial for healing. Once you examine the repressed emotions, accept them, and release them, your spirit will heal fully.

So if you experience intense emotions after a Reiki session; attempt to acknowledge them without dwelling on them. Try not to be judgemental. Instead, accept the feelings as a part of yourself and your past. Let them pass through your mind until they leave your consciousness, permitting you to let them go for good.

Reiki aftercare.  Listed below are  ways to care for your mind and body after going through a Reiki healing session. Doing these will help encourage the healing process by restoring your energy to its ideal state:


1. Take it easy

Set aside some time after your Reiki session even if it’s just 20 minutes. Taking time to relax allows your body and mind to process the healing that's taken place.


2. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water after Reiki, as this flushes out toxins and tired energies. This will support the healing energies to continue.


3. Eat healthily

Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and nourishing foods for the rest of the day, and if you can – for the rest of the week. Processed and stodgy foods can make us feel heavy and deplete our energy. Try to Stay away from refined sugars and energy snacks/drinks as these are also quick-fix solutions. Try to eat foods that make you feel good and encourage your healing. 


4. Avoid alcohol and tobacco

Alcohol and tobacco dull our senses and therefore our energies. If you can avoid both for at least 24 hours. Reiki cleanses, balances and heals so we don't want to dull our senses. Instead, try to stay fully present with what's going on around you.


5. Notice your feelings

Reflect on what you are feeling and experiencing. Give yourself time after each Reiki session to focus on your new emotions and physical sensations that arise. 

Know that whatever you feel is ok. Nothing is permanent, not even joy, bliss or happiness. As we accept that our feelings constantly change we become better equipped to deal with our whole range of emotions. Consider the following questions after a Reiki session, and beyond: What are you feeling right now? Where in your body are you feeling it?


6. Make some notes

Start to write down what you notice in a journal. Do you have any recurring thoughts or feelings? It’s hard to ignore the messages when we see them in black and white. Perhaps some new and exciting ideas are forming. Take note! Is there a common theme in what you are writing?


7. Try nurturing activities

 Try to do wholesome activities such as walking outside in nature, taking a bath, writing in a journal, or meditating. These activities will encourage healing and provide you with greater clarity.


How much Reiki will I need?

This varies from person to person. In general most problems will take time - healing is a process rather than an event. Acute problems generally heal faster than chronic ones and if your problem is of long standing it may require treatments over a longer period of time. You may need a number of treatments close together to start with but I will be able to create an individual treatment plan with you, and sessions may be at weekly, fortnightly or monthly intervals and adjusted over time.  But the decision is yours entirely if you would like another session, I will leave it up to you to make that decision as this is your personal healing journey. I will do a follow up a 7 - 10 days after your session  with either an email, phone call, or text message to see how you have been and to see if you have experienced any changes, please do not worry if you have not seen or felt any changes, this is quite normal, for some people it can just take a little longer. 


Do I benefit from Reiki if I am in good health already ?
Yes. If you are in good health already, regular reiki sessions ( about once a month ) will enhance your ability to respond to unhealthy elements in your environment and help you to handle stress, by promoting the harmonious distribution of energy.   Reiki is an excellent form of preventive medicine.


If you have any questions regarding your session then please do not hesitate to contact me. 


 07891 754710  


As a Reiki Practitioner/Master  I feel my responsibility doesn't end when you leave the room. Reiki is something wonderful that enters our lives and starts us on our journey of self discovery and spiritual growth.  I'm here to share your journey with you. xx




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